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Cogito Ergo Sum

"In Latin it is pronounced 'Cogitó ergo sum'. In Japanese it means 'I think (Cogitó), therefore (Ergo) I live (Sum)'. Seeing and feeling the meaning of these words allowed me to reexamine my outlook on the rest of life."

Aiming for social reintegration! The first step in building trust is high-level web development!

Despite being aware that he had been away from society for over 10 years, he took a step forward, saying, "Trust me and give me a job." It was only natural that he was told, "Come back the day before yesterday." He didn't give up, and instead chose to "show what he can do now in a tangible form." His first project was building his own company's website. However, in this age where "anyone can make something," he aimed for "high-level website building." The answer is the website, and its evolution is proof of trust. Working alone with an illness is tough. That's why it's important not to have excessive expectations at first. The first step in building trust is building a website. But that's not the only challenge. He will increase the number of his allies, build trust, and make his dreams bigger.

The value of having dreams that only a fool can achieve

“ホジネがらデギる夢がある。思うガ、思わネがソンたなゴド、ワしか知らネ”= Because I'm an idiot, I have dreams that I can only dream of. Whether I think about it or not, only I know.
This statement may seem contradictory at first glance, but I think it actually holds a deep truth.

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