There are countless SNS
There has been a lot of buzz and noise on social media lately, and some of you may be wondering what this is all about.
”Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications” ”Social Networking Service (SNS) System” for using the Internet with peace of mind.
”SNS is an abbreviation for Social Networking Service, which is a membership-based website service that allows registered users to interact with each other. By creating a somewhat closed world, we enable close communication between users, with friends, people with the same hobbies gathering together, and residents from nearby areas gathering together. Recently, its use for public relations for companies and organizations has increased.”
In Japan, when we talk about SNS, we often mean "Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram," but personally, I think of SNS as anything that means online exchange sites and bulletin boards.
That's why I think there are countless SNS apps and tools that can be used without registration, which is a little different from the ”Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications” approach.
Also, you might think that many internet users around the world use Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, but that's not the case.
Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram may not be available in some regions, and other SNS may be popular, so it should be assumed that this only refers to things that are frequently used in Japan.
The reason I wrote about SNS this time is because there was a topic about SNS in the local paper.
Once upon a time, as a loyal reader, I would publish every article, but now I am fed up with pages that are similar to national newspapers, so please check the electronic version of your local newspaper for details.
The point is, I think it's pointless to ask for answers to irresponsible comments, even if it's just a comment on responsible comments on social media. That's why the article seems to have been corrected after the statement was made, but the content of the article seems to be based on something else.
I'm tired of seeing newspapers buzzing like this, and I'd like to say people should be more careful.