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My inexperienced self and Joomla4

| Alaudae.JP

Joomla4 is still too hasty to be used as a working site.

This is my impression after having touched it for about two weeks.

That's why I don't want to learn how to build a Joomla web without extensions now, so I'm editing Japanese translations of extensions that I want to use in the future while I'm taking the exam. The extension developer you are currently using is

  • Migration from Joomla3.10 to Joomla4
  • Development as a new extension
  • Development has already been stopped

Even excluding the discontinued development, approximately half of the extensions are scheduled to be newly developed, and it is necessary to prioritize the maintenance of web construction while also proceeding with the translation of new extensions.

Although there are not many Joomla users in Japan, translation can help you improve your skills.
Every time I blog, I often hear words like Japaneseization and translation for Joomla, but this is because I can't understand or remember English at all.

I've been using Joomla for about five years now, and I've learned a certain level of building web sites, but as for whether I can build web sites using the English version, unfortunately I can't understand the meaning of English or English words at all, so I can't move forward.
Therefore, translating extensions into Japanese is an essential task for me.

However, I think it is a problem with Joomla management that the major version migration cannot be done smoothly.
It's frustrating that extensions that can be enriched by adding them are full of bugs, and that even after migration, you won't be able to use anything other than the standard for a while.

You can clearly see the hardships faced by the developers involved.

It is true that nothing is complete from the beginning.
You should realize that if you don't realize that the cause of the decline in users is the management, people will turn away from you.