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Verifying site costs

| Alaudae.JP

Today is Sunday and a holiday.

I didn't have any plans even on holidays, so I checked the costs on the Alaudae.JP site. The reason is that I felt it necessary to explain why my web construction costs so much.

As explained in Web construction, we built a CMS using Joomla!, which is completely free.
Since I place a high priority on security, I use the paid version of the extension, which I believe is worth using.

The reason why we don't use the free version is because we prioritize the security of the outsourced site and also take into account the ability to immediately respond to any problems. Also, all of the extensions are from outside Japan, and I have translated some of them into Japanese. It takes time to translate the paid version into Japanese and learn the minimum usage methods and mechanisms. Therefore, it does not have the ability to support the free version at all.

Important thing here.
Please understand that web construction cannot be done by volunteers.

Alaudae.JP only provides the knowledge learned to build a web using Joomla! for a fee.
Also, there are some things we cannot do even for a fee, so we may refuse your request.
The explanation up to this point is explained in detail in Web Construction. Please check if you are interested.

Now, let's get to the main topic.
*As for each cost, basically it is a one-year contract, and the currency is ¥, $, €. Overseas currencies will change depending on the exchange rate, so the unit price will be displayed as is.

There are other things you need for web construction other than Joomla! It's the domain and server.
In the world of the Internet, store names and stores are easy to understand.
Without this domain and server, you cannot use Joomla!

First, I will explain the price of Alaudae domains.
There are countless unique domains, and prices vary depending on the vendor.

The domain '' costs 3,124 yen per year.

I own two other domain names, each

The domain '' costs 1,620 yen per year
The Japanese domain 'あらうだえ.jp' costs 1,309 yen per year. Owned,

A total of 6,061 yen will be the domain fee.
There is no limit to the number of domains. First come, first served, so if you want to use all of the same domain name, you can purchase them all. But keep in mind that each purchase will cost you more each year.

Next is the server.
Prices for servers vary depending on whether you are using a home server or a rental server, and Alaudae.JP uses rental servers in Japan.

It is absolutely necessary to select a server that supports Joomla!.
It is also important to have a good environment for use and use, such as a unique domain and other sources that are easily accessible.
The other condition is that I can use it for web construction. If there is a server you really want to use, there will be additional costs.

Alaudae uses a related rental server for its own domain.
This rental server has four price plans, and we use the business plan. In addition, I am using another same plan just in case.

Therefore, the calculation is based on using two rental servers.
One server costs 10,370 yen per year, so if you use two servers, the annual server fee will be 20,740 yen.

And the important Joomla! extension.
Basically, I only use paid extensions that are updated frequently or are easy to use.
This is also the answer I came up with after thinking about what is important for building a web using Joomla!, which has few users in Japan.

What is currently being developed on the Alaudae.JP site is

1. Enhanced security
2. Use of paid templates
3. Japanese version and localization of extensions
4. Multilingualization of Japanese, English, and Czech
5. Basically effective SEO measures
6. Comes with a backup function that is often used in Joomla!

We do not use any other free or paid extensions.
Also, since this is a long story, I will not explain the names and details of the extensions. Just the number of uses and price.

The annual cost for 4 extensions purchased in dollar currency is $396.99. (Approximately 42,478 yen at 107 yen to the dollar)
The annual cost for 4 extensions purchased in euro currency is €244.72. (If 1 euro is 120 yen, it will be about 29,366 yen)

These are the annual costs. List the annual expenses for each

6,061 yen Domain
20,740 yen Rental server
42,478 yen Joomla! extension with dollar currency
29,366 yen Euro currency Joomla! extension

The total annual cost will be approximately 98,645 yen.
If you add $140.99 (approximately 15,086 yen at 107 yen to the dollar) for paid images and processing tools, the cost easily exceeds 100,000 yen.

If you want to build a website similar to the Alaudae.JP site, you can do it for around 100,000 yen if you build it all yourself. Also, if you outsource it, you can probably decide that the customization fee you want plus labor costs will be added.

Simply put
・If you want to build a website where you layout all the images, texts, translations, etc. by yourself, the minimum price is around 100,000 yen.
・If you would like to have a layout prepared in advance for what you will use this time, and you want to build a website where you layout all the images, text, translations, etc. yourself, the minimum price is around 300,000 to 400,000 yen.
・If accurate translation is essential, we will hire an outside specialist, so it will cost ¥1,000,000.
The more work you outsource, the more it will definitely cost.

Only you can decide whether the additional cost of this minimally necessary paid extension is high or low!
Please keep in mind that once you start using it, you can update and change the layout yourself, and you can continue to increase the number of categories and pages, and this is the cost.

If you're looking for a website that's cheap, the options are endless.
If you are looking for web construction that is a little different from others or other companies, it is definitely worth considering!

Czech language was added and the content was revised on June 23, 2020.