If you can feel the translation
Have you ever wanted one of Doraemon's secret tools, "honyaku konnyaku"?
Every time I start building a website, I always feel like I need one.
If I could understand English, translating web tools and extensions into Japanese would be about 4 to 5 times faster...
However, in reality, they cannot understand English, and the translation process into Japanese is troublesome and painful.
However, I would be in trouble if the web tools and function extensions I use were not translated into Japanese in advance, so it is essential to have them translated, even if it is painful. In that case, I think it would be better to use web tools and extensions that support Japanese from the beginning, but there are many web tools and extensions that do not support Japanese, and even if they do support Japanese, modifications are always required.
However, not all Japaneseization is troublesome or painful.
When you check the sentences and words that have already been translated into Japanese, it's interesting to see how the translator's habits are revealed in the words.
What I often see
・People who always use "" even though "" is not required.
Example: No, I accept.
Example: "No," I accept.
・When Japanese contains English words, people who put a space at the end of the English word or who don't.
Example: わたしの extensions 機能
Example: わたしのextensions機能
And so on.
I have absolutely no objections to these translation methods.
However, if you don't unify the flow of the sentences, it's "me" that bothers you.
Example: いいえ、は承諾します。しかし「はい」、は承諾はしません。
Example: わたしの extensions 機能です。しかし、このextensions機能については
That's what it feels like, but you get the idea.
I'm concerned about the visual flow of the text, so I end up fixing it.
The other thing to do is to make the Japanese text match the length of the English text so that the layout does not collapse.
Well, I don't have any language skills, so if I corrected the sentence, it might actually make it worse.
However, since you are the main user, it is important to make it easy for you to understand.
Get a feel for web tools and functional extensions that use English words, English sentences, and Japanese, and compose sentences.
I think that in the end, words and sentences should all say, "Don't think, just feel!"