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Dilemma of access speed and security

| Alaudae.JP

Joomla! users' worries

About a month has passed since we moved to the Xserver Business, and now that all settings other than SEO measures have been completed, we are able to take a big step towards resuming the work that we had suspended. However, security issues also arose at the same time.

Why does faster access speed increase unauthorized access?

Faster access means more users to your site, which is a good thing, but it also means more people trying to get into your site. Just like in a casino, where there are a lot of people, there are also bad people.

Joomla! Security Settings: A Difficult Balance

It's natural to think that turning on all server security will give you peace of mind. However, with a feature-rich CMS like Joomla!, strengthening security settings can make some functions unusable. Another problem with Joomla! is that there are few users in Japan, and there is little information available in Japanese. If you use an overseas server, you also have to overcome the language barrier.

How to choose a shared server: compatibility with CMS is also important

Ultimately, when choosing a shared server, you need to carefully consider compatibility with the CMS you will be using. When there is little information specific to a particular CMS, such as Joomla!, you need to make full use of your knowledge to determine priorities and eliminate waste. In that respect, I think Xserver Business and Joomla! are a better match than other servers.

Conclusion: Balance security and functionality

Speeding up access is essential to revitalizing your site, but at the same time, you can't neglect security measures. For Joomla! users, configuring the optimal balance between the server's WAF settings and Joomla!'s WAF function is a process of trial and error. However, it is clear that if you can harmonize, you will be a satisfied server.