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Japanese domain "秋田県.com"! Wake up! Revive with Joomla!5.x

| Alaudae.JP

After more than 10 years, we are going to revive the Japanese domain "秋田県.com" acquired in 2005 with Joomla! 5.x. This project is not just about reviving a website, but also has a strong desire to revitalize Akita Prefecture.

Setbacks at the time and the road to recovery
At the time, I aimed to create a one-page site that collected sites within Akita Prefecture, but the technology at the time was not enough to realize this, so I operated it as a link collection. However, due to bugs and errors caused by customization using free extensions, and hospitalization and recuperation due to illness, the management was left unmanaged. Before I knew it, the site was becoming a target of spam, so I suspended the site for a while, and "秋田県.com" has been asleep for over 10 years since then. However, I continued to take measures against spam during the suspension, and from my experience, it seemed that I had finally escaped from the penalty element recently. Then, while upgrading to Joomla! 5.x, an idea came to my mind that helped me overcome the setbacks of the time: "Maybe I can build it as a one-page site now." This was the moment when my feelings for my hometown Akita Prefecture and the timing of the latest Joomla! 5.x came together.

About Japanese domains and Punycode
A Japanese domain is a domain name that can be expressed using characters from a variety of languages, including Japanese. Unlike traditional domain names that were made up of only alphanumeric characters, this allows for the creation of expressive websites in a wider variety of languages. However, traditional DNS systems were limited in that they could only handle alphanumeric characters. Therefore, an encoding method called Punycode was devised to enable DNS to handle Japanese domains. Punycode is an encoding method that expresses non-ASCII characters, such as Japanese, using alphanumeric characters and hyphens (-).

Specifically, the conversion is carried out as follows:
- Non-ASCII characters included in the domain name are converted into their corresponding Unicode code points.
- The converted code points are converted into a form that can be expressed using alphanumeric characters and hyphens (-).
- The identifier "xn--" to indicate that it is Punycode is added to the converted string.
- The Japanese domain "秋田県.com" is converted through Punycode conversion into a string of alphanumeric characters and hyphens (-), resulting in "".

In addition to "" of the Japanese domain "秋田県.com", there are also Japanese domains of ".biz, .net, .xyz", and ".biz, .info," of the "akitaken" domain. .net, .org, .xyz" are also available. All of these domains were acquired for the purpose of building sites related to Akita Prefecture. Anyone can acquire a domain, but there is a cost to renew it. If we abandon it, the owner will change, so we continually update it to protect our feelings towards Akita.

What you want to do with Joomla! 5.x
The site you are currently viewing is Joomla!, one of the most popular open source CMS in the world. It has a wealth of functions, scalability, and ease of use, allowing you to build a wide variety of websites. And by supporting the English language, it can also accommodate access from overseas.
In addition, the Japanese domain "秋田県.com" offers three types of content for your relaunch: a one-page site, an event page, and a workshop.

one page site
A one-page site is a website consisting of a single HTML page, with category pages divided by city, town, and village and displayed as a one-page site on the desired city, town, and village page. In recent years, it has attracted attention as a simple and effective means of transmitting information. Unlike the traditional multi-page structure, the site uses a vertical scrolling format to provide information that is intuitive and easy to understand for users.

Advantages of one page site
Efficient information transmission: By concentrating information on a limited number of pages, users can easily find the information they need.
Increased appeal: Focus on communicating a clear message, helping users understand and empathize with you.
Reducing production and operational costs: Since it is a single page, production costs are reduced and updates and management are also easier.

Examples of use
Landing page: A page that promotes a specific product or service and aims to improve conversion rates
Promotion site: A page that announces campaigns and events and promotes customer acquisition
Company overview: A page that clearly conveys company information and business activities
Portfolio: A page that introduces the work of designers and creators and promotes customer acquisition
Personal page: A page that conveys personal thoughts and experiences and encourages interaction with readers

Disadvantages of one-page sites
Limited amount of information: It is difficult to cram in every piece of information, so it is important to be selective about what information to include.
Handling complex content: If you want to provide in-depth information, use links to other pages.
Content that is difficult to re-read: To avoid making the text too long, divide the information appropriately and use headings and bullet points effectively.

Event page and workshop page
Event and workshop pages also provide information in a one-page format. A function to automatically switch between display and non-display depending on the event period will be implemented.

The restart of "秋田県.com" is a project that combines the latest technology of Joomla! 5.x with a passion for Akita Prefecture. Through the one-page site, event page, and workshop page, we will fully convey the charm of Akita Prefecture and contribute to regional revitalization.