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Initiatives for the second half of 2024

| Alaudae.JP

Time saved by upgrading to Joomla! 5.x

Upgrading 'Alaudae.JP' to Joomla! 5.x has given me more time to focus on writing blog articles. The previous templates were difficult to use, so I was spending a lot of time writing articles, but the Joomla! 5.x templates are very easy to use, and my work efficiency has improved significantly.

Site-specific measures for the second half of 2024

We have used this time to establish the following site management guidelines for the second half of 2024:

・Enhancing existing content: Enhancing article content and providing more information.
・Use of images and videos: In addition to text, we also use images and videos to convey information more clearly.

・Enhancing content: We will enhance the content of the cross-border e-commerce site "Store.Alaudae.JP" to improve user convenience.
・How to distribute original content: Consider whether to distribute it exclusively to paid members or for free.

・Addition of Country Sisters videos: In addition to official YouTube videos, unofficial videos will be added sequentially.
・Purchase the latest CDs: Purchase the latest CDs that are hard to find and enrich your video content.

Goals and Visions

Since I am carrying out all of these measures on my own, it is uncertain whether I will be able to achieve all of my goals. However, I will continue to make the most of the experience I have gained from steadily clearing each challenge one by one, and will do my utmost. There may be some areas where I cannot meet your expectations, but I hope you will understand.