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Editing notification/inquiry emails

| Alaudae.JP

We apologize to everyone who contacted this site during the period from 2018/03/03 to 2018/03/11. We confirmed that there was a problem with the inquiry function due to an administrative error on the site's management side, fixed it, confirmed its operation, and it was restored around 09:30 today. Thank you for your continued support of Alaudae.JP.

When it comes to large companies, do they make announcements like this?
This is no joke, the email inquiry form on this site was not working.

I wish I could have tested it, but I didn't at all.
The cause was that the administrator mistakenly thought that the email address was already entered, so it was linked.

  • Enter your email address in the address in the inquiry content
  • Check email operation before starting operation
I think there would have been no problem if I had done that.

Even if I make a mistake in something as simple as this, I realize how difficult it is to work alone.
But on the other hand, it's also true that having this much functionality makes it exciting and fun to work with, so in addition to this modification, I also tried customizing the inside of the inquiry form a little.
  1. Introduced Captcha to protect against spam within forms.
  2. Changed Google Maps from "Terrain" to "Roadmap".

I feel like the atmosphere has changed just by modifying and changing these two points.

This time, the inquiry email is definitely working, so if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.