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Don't Think. Feel!

| Alaudae.JP

I believe that design is all about "don't think, just feel!"

First of all, I would like to disclaim that I did not create this title because I wanted to have a discussion.
I'm not good at arguing or arguing, so if I try to argue, I can see that my hands will come out before my words and I'll be "prosecuted" and that's the end of the story, so please bear with me.

This is off-topic, but for people who didn't start a website because they really wanted to be a designer, it's a waste of time to pursue design without knowledge.
Well, maybe I can do one or two.
However, it is impossible for me to create multiple projects in a short period of time.

So, if you ask me if I should think about it by searching for it from the countless and infinite internet, I don't think that's the case.
Because if you look at each of the countless infinite things one by one and think about it...
It's just time consuming.
So wouldn't it be faster to search for something that feels sparkling and sparkling from the endless internet? That's just what I thought.

However, it is not easy to search for it in the endless internet.
After all, searching requires intuition and experience.
In the end, anything can be an experience, right?

By repeating this process, it will eventually take shape, become an object, and become a design
The end is just like life...