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End of first half of 2018

| Alaudae.JP

Well, tomorrow will be the start of the second half of July 2018.

Alaudae.JP, which opened on March 3, 2018, will be in its fourth month on July 3.
The store is still closed, but I was expecting this so I'm not worried.
More importantly, I have so much work I want to do, but it's painful that my body can't keep up with it.

For example, all of Alaudae.JP's websites can be made multilingual, but they have not yet tested the demo version.
I'd like to try this once, but I have a lot of work left behind that I want to move on to.
If you can speak English, Italian, Czech, etc. in addition to Japanese, you can appeal to non-Japanese tourists.
I can't translate at all, but I believe that building websites that can be used in multiple languages will be necessary in the future, and I'm working on and studying even when the store is closed because I want to be able to provide such websites to everyone.

(It's the same line every time) No matter what you say, it's meaningless if you don't believe it.
Right now, unless I take on any work, I guess my plan is to open an online handicraft shop around the time of the Kakunodate festival.
Whether I can do it in the next two months or not, only I know.