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Who is predictive conversion?

| Alaudae.JP

*Please be careful about the audio of the video.

Check the updated template.

"All cell phones should be examined"

Huh? Are you sending it in for repairs? ! That's wrong, right? You're such an idiot! I realized that.

I should have entered "receiving", but it turned out to be "Medical examination".
Predictive conversion is a useful guy who can sometimes play tricks on you.
It's convenient to input, but I'm not sure if the kanji are being used correctly or not.

Also, are the titles and top videos embarrassing? I misled you.
Please take a look at the video rather than the image to see how the "Alaudae.JP" website is displayed on the browser I use.
However, we now live in a world where it is easy to upload videos.
We live in a world where we don't know where the photo is being taken. I can no longer do bad things carelessly.