It's already autumn!
It has already been half a year since Alaudae.JP started operating in earnest as a business.
Even though the store is still closed, the foundation is definitely solidifying at my own pace.
Eh, what have you been doing? Is that what you're saying? That's how I felt, so I'd like to briefly summarize the two main points!
First, build the web.
We have already completed the standard layout of four templates.
Although we can help with web construction if requested, there is a reason why it is not yet scheduled to be released soon.
The CMS used for web construction is scheduled to undergo a major update and upgrade in the near future, and I decided that it would be better to have the functions that will be updated soon rather than half-heartedly using the current functions. , only the demo version template is released.
So in the meantime, I'm improving myself by building the Alaudae.JP site and shopping site.
No matter how good the CMS is, it's meaningless if my knowledge is low...
Next is handicraft related.
Since we don't have a physical store, the minimum requirement is to create an online shopping site, and we are currently in the process of building that shopping site. What's more, the materials for the crafts have already been prepared a year in advance and are ready to be sold as soon as the sales environment is in place.
The only thing I'm worried about is whether my crippled fingertips will forget the technique of making it.
There are quite a few different ways to knit patterns...
But I remember having fun working on these, so I think it's okay.
We are currently prioritizing the completion of online shopping.
Is it like this?
Come to think of it, it was last fall that I attended a business start-up school to start my own business.
Nowadays, most information about starting a business can be found on the internet.
However, I participated in a short-term program of about four days with the expectation that I would gain information through participation and knowledge through new encounters.
Hmm, I don't have anything in particular to say, and I can only find answers by doing a shallow and wide internet search, so what do I want them to learn in this short-term program? I couldn't understand.
If anything, I was left with the impression of the lecturer's casual self-promotion.
I also didn't expect to be asked to fill out a questionnaire even though my hands were disabled, so it was painful and I had low motivation to submit it blank.
It is clear that even if the explanation is given in the materials that can be obtained and viewed if you go out there, it will not be convincing. Will we be able to pursue it at a later date? I was disappointed when the remaining materials were delivered...
Although the content was different, I had some experience as a trainer for setting up a new store, so it felt strange to me.
Well, I think it's good to think that it was a learning experience in a different way.
After all, you should definitely research the content you are going to take before participating!
It's almost September.
As expected, we no longer have extremely hot days, and there are many more pleasant days.
However, I find myself feeling unwell as the seasons approach.
This year, I have to take care of my health so that I can spend more time sitting in a chair than in bed...