Cogito Ergo Sum

What Alaudae.JP thinks

Things to consider when handling personal information

Things to consider when handling personal information
Lately, I've been concentrating on creating websites.
I really wanted to focus on this last month in April, but it didn't work out at all because the temperature difference between the two was so extreme and it was so cold.
It's still very hot in the afternoons these days, but since I've developed a body that doesn't sweat, I've been able to tolerate a little more heat than cold.
But the direct rays of the western sun in the afternoon are hard to bear... Weep
Everyone should be aware of dehydration, even indoors.

By the way, have you heard about the GDPR, which came into effect on the 25th of this month?
To be honest, I don't know much about it either.
However, I chose this theme as a way to take a break because of the keywords I need to remember if I want to do business on the Internet in the future, and because it coincides with my current work in progress.
GDPR is the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and is important if you are doing business in the European Union.
Well, I won't go into the details here, as a search on GDPR will probably tell you more about it. Incidentally, I can't explain it.

However, there was one thing that I was very interested in, and that will become important in Japan in the future.
That's the handling of personal information for minors under the age of 16, isn't it?
The Internet has become such a familiar tool for children today that they have to babysit with their smart phones.
But no matter how much you use it, you're still at an age where you can't judge whether it's good or bad.

What if a malicious adult tries to trick such an innocent child? What if I was trying to get through to you! Why don't you go tell him? What do you want to do, sir?
Also, if the information gets out on the Internet, you may not be able to delete the data permanently.
There is a possibility that the data you raise in childhood can affect your life later on.

I've made a comment that may cause anxiety, but I think that depending on how you use it, the Internet can be convenient, but it can also be bad, depending on how you use it.
That's why I thought that I should include the handling of personal information for minors under the age of 16 in my privacy policy on my site. what's convenient comes close to being inconvenient?
Now, let's get back to work.

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